about US
Muslim Community Of Palm Beach County
The Muslim Community of Palm Beach County Inc. (MCPBC) is the largest organization of Muslims in the Greater Palm Beach and surrounding area, with an estimated population of approximately 5000 people. MCPBC was established during the year 1985 and for the last 3 decades our mosque has grown several fold.
What do we offer...
We offer a number of Islamic services, including hosting daily prayers, marriage ceremonies, children’s education, religious counseling, interfaith dialogue, and other community activities. Please visit the mosque and meet the dedicated volunteer staff.

Our Mission
Our mission of MCPBC is to provide the Muslim community of palm beach county with a fostering environment that promotes spiritual and devotional growth and inspiring true and meaningful worship with correct application of religious knowledge, so as to help every-day believers grow in faith and virtue.
The vision of MCPBC is to glorify God by, firstly, sharing the love and mercy of God in deeds and words, secondly, educate Muslims of the proper Islamic theology and methodology which serve as the bulwark against terrorism, extremism, and antipathy, and thirdly, to build communication and understanding with other faiths.
Legal Status
The Muslim Community of Palm Beach County, Inc. incorporated during the year 1985, is a nonprofit organization registered in the state of Florida. MCPBC holds a tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC § 501(c)(3)). MCPBC provides all Islamic services to the Community of Palm Beach County and neighboring cities in South Florida. MCPBC is the first Mosque to be established in Palm Beach County, Florida. MCPBC is governed and directed by Majlis-Ash-Shura, a non-compensated counseling body. (Majlis-ash-Shura is an advisory council or consultative council). MCPBC is a law-abiding organization and works closely with city, county and state agencies and authorities to ensure continuous compliance with laws and regulations of the United States (U.S).
Philosophy of Behavior
The arbiter of conduct of MCPBC is to overcome evil with good as outlined in the holy Quran 13:11 and as the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, “Love for people what you love for yourself and dislike for the people what you dislike for yourself.”
Terrorism and Violence
Terrorism is not a religious identity, rather it is a horrific behavior often justified by misapplied religious dogma. MCPBC, in accordance to its sole purpose and understanding of Islam, stands firm on the condemnation of all forms and acts of terrorism. The ill acts of a few misguided individuals shall not be viewed as the mainstream of Islam and Muslims. It is not sufficient to condemn terrorist activities after they happen. Muslims must be vigilant in implementing programs and sedulous in pursuing goals that build a proper understanding of Islam and subvert any terrorist activities anywhere. To promote bigotry against Islam, hate mongers exploit the legitimate concerns of the American people about terrorism. Anti-Muslim rhetoric’s compares in its claims and tactics to Anti-Semitism. Thus people of honesty and integrity of all faith traditions, especially the Abrahamic faiths, must stand united against all forms of prejudice, hatred, pernicious accusations and discrimination. The safety and security of the Muslim community is an indivisible part of the safety and security of the entire community and therefore, it is the right and responsibility of the whole community at large.
MCPBC is not associated with any political, industrial, humanitarian, militant, or governmental entities, neither domestically nor internationally. MCPBC systematically and categorically distances itself from any individuals, groups or organizations shall they be officially considered anti-American by the US government. MCPBC does not endorse any political directions or views.
Current Services
MCPBC is open around the clock providing the five daily prayers, evening programs for children, adults and families. The center regular activities also include counseling, assistance, advice, referral, marriage and funeral arrangements.
Islamic School
MCPBC’s Islamic School, currently offers part-time rudimentary classes for basic Qur’an reading and elementary teachings about Islam for children (Maktab), as well as a Hifz and memorization course for children. MCPBC also offers a Sunday Islamic School and a variety of programs and extracurricular activities for the children and teenagers. There are future plans to establish a fully fledged Islamic School once we have the resources available.
Outreach and Interfaith
Since its inception, MCPBC encourages involvement in outreach and interfaith activities It is with the understanding that the holy Quran in chapter 5:48 provides the framework for cooperation among Abrahamic Faiths, that MCPBC has been open for all religious-based schools and organizations to visit its sites and facilities and share friendly religious dialogue. Many Christian and Jewish schools and clergy have visited MCPBC. MCPBC is actively participating in local associations and humanitarian causes. God demands justice, mercy, love, and forgiveness. These are the good deeds that people who share faith in God can and should work together to promote.
MCPBC strives to provide a safe and healthy environment to its community and therefore, all grounds, hallways, and rooms are videotaped 24 hours. MCPBC works closely with the law enforcement authorities to ensure its entire operation free of any doubts and suspicious behaviors. Should anyone have any concerns, please report it to MCPBC immediately.